Saturday, August 9, 2014

Carbon & Sulphur Determination Apparatus

SEMI AUTOMATIC – SINGLE BURETTE Determination of Carbon and sulphur contents in Iron and steel has becomean absolute necessity forall Iron processing plants, foundries etc. There is substantial saving of time and effort, as in a short time, both carbon and sulphur can be determined in one action. This dual determination is excellently suitable for routine analysis.
  • Simplified operation
  • Substantial saving of time.
  • Accuracy and ease of operation Advantage of cheapness through saving of power and chemicals due to dual determination Steel or Iron chips of samples under test are heated in a stream of oxygen gas to about 1200 deg.-1350 deg. C converting carbon and Sulphur contents to carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide gases respectively. These gases are passed through a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The sulphur dioxide gas dissolves in hydrogen peroxide forming sulphuric acid which is titrated against caustic soda solution of known strength to determine the percentage of sulphur in the sample under test. The gaseous mixture from which sulphur dioxide has been removed (absorbed) is now taken in to a calibrated burette. Then the gases are taken into an absorption vessel containing potassium hydroxide solution to absorb carbon dioxide gas. The reduction in volume of the total gas equals the volume of carbon dioxide gas : knowledge of which then gives the amount of carbon. The scale reading directly gives the percentage of carbon in 1 gm. sample.


Carbon burette 4.5%, or 1.5% or 0.25% Absorption vessel Levelling bottle.Three way T-Shaped stop-cock. L-shaped glass tube with stop-cock, Graduated vessel for sulphur titration, 4 ml automatic sulphur titration burette,Two liter bottle for NaOH Obesrvation tube, Filter trap, Oxygen purifying accessories and wooden frame with sunmica base. Combustion tube furnace with thermocouple (using 3 silicon carbide rods) for maximum temperature up to 1450 deg. C Accommodates 22mm X 17mm X 500mm Combustion tube. Control unit for the combustion tube furnace autotransformer type with A meter, Voltmeter and temperature indicator. The following items are also supplied along with the apparatus.

  1. Two number of combustion tubes.
  2. Five meters of rubber tubing.
  3. Steel scoop for inserting combustion boats.
  4. 25 numbers of combustion boats.
  5. Conversion chart.
  6. Instruction Manual.

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