Monday, August 11, 2014

Hardness Testing Machine

Glass Agencies offering a superior range of Hardness Testing machines, which is designed and developed to meet industry standards. Our range of testing machines is equipped with automatic zero setting device and offers dependable results as demanded by heat treatment laboratories, inspection departments, educational institutions, production units and others.

Our range of this machines available in three models include:

  • Rockwell measurement-Done by direct reading
  • Brinell measurement-Done using Brinell Microscope
  • Production test-Conversion table is furnished in instruction manual to get quickly and easily the approximate Brinell hardness

Some features of our range includes:

  • Fully enclosed machine with cast iron body
  • Hydraulic dash pot with adjustable time control
  • Equipped with automatic zero setting device
  • High standard knife edges-hence maintain high accuracy
  • Conform to ISS. DIN and BSS


  • Loading done by means of proportionate weights and lever
  • Load application is done by hand and does not need any outside motive power
  • Load application is controlled by dash pot mechanism, thus avoiding shock/jerk.

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