Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Orifice and Mouthpiece Apparatus

An Orifice and Mouthpiece Apparatus is an opening in the wall of a tank or in a plate which may be fitted in a pipe such that the plate is normal to the pipe axis. An orifice is used for the discharge measurement. Usually an orifice has a sharp edge as shown in figure. A mouthpiece is a short pipe whose length does not exceed two to three times its diameter. It may be of uniform section or may have varying section. Orifices and mouthpieces are used for discharge measurement. The jet approaching the orifice continues to converge beyond the orifice till the streamline are parallel. This section of the jet is, then, a section of minimum area and is known as vena contracta. The ratio of area of jet at the vena contracta, a0, to area of orifice, a, is called the co-efficient of contraction.

Scope Of Experimentations:
  • Always keep apparatus free from dust
  • Frequently Grease/Oil the rotating parts, once in three months
  • Always use clean water
  • It apparatus will not in use for more than one month, drain the apparatus completely

Utilities Required:

  • Water Supply
  • Drain

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